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Thursday, September 28, 2017 - 5:54pm
Starting January 2017, Google will begin marking websites that use ‘http://’ over ‘https://’ as not secure. Google have announced a plan to transition to the HTTPS protocol as the norm, stating that in the beginning this will only extend to Chrome users and for webpages that require credit card info, but Google plan to eventually extend this change to all pages and increase the severity of the warning. Sites labelled as not secure will have a large red symbol next to their web address: ​ This will have a negative impact on your site’s image and the... + continue reading
Thursday, September 28, 2017 - 9:57am
Designing a website can be a time-consuming and fairly complicated process. You need to accomplish lots of stuff to be sure everything gets done properly (choosing the right hosting, improving website’s speed and much more). It is not so easy to stand out among business competitors and defeat them. They say that the first impression is the strongest. So, your website should be powerful, reliable and attractive — in short, perfect from the very beginning. But how you can keep track of important details that have a direct impact on your website’s success? You... + continue reading
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 - 11:47pm
As of 2017, Drupal is now over 16 years old, and is still going insanely strong. Many of the largest and highest traffic websites use Drupal to serve their growing audiences, which is just further testimony to the power of this killer CMS. Drupal is a beast of a CMS. Its framework and backend architecture are solid, well-tested, and completely water tight. In my opinion, the best things about Drupal today are its awesome community (currently consisting of over 100,000 active contributors to the CMS), and the fact that the CMS has a very strong attitude towards open-source availability... + continue reading
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 - 11:30pm
Core architecture: WordPress = WordPress Loop Drupal = Content types, Node, Blocks, Views €‹Drupal takes a totally different approach to its core architecture than WordPress does. WordPress is based on a blog system, and as Wordpress developers, we basically pass queries using WordPress loop to output content. I often struggled with WP Query and WordPress loop to sort and filter output. I often had to tweak parameters, and code custom PHP to add more filters that couldn't be done with built-in filters. Drupal started as a small news site builder... + continue reading
Monday, June 27, 2016 - 7:40pm
To Dot-CA or not to Dot-CA? Which Extension Has More SEO Clout for Canadian Businesses? We recently came across an article on CanuckSEO.com that measures the effectiveness of .CA  versus .COM for Canadian businesses. While it is no secret we are big proponents of .CA – Webnames.ca co-founder John Demco actually conceived of .CA in 1987 to identify Canadian content on the Web – we generally advocate that businesses get their name in both their .CA and .COM whenever possible and forward the second extension to their primary website to capture direct navigation... + continue reading
Monday, June 27, 2016 - 6:31pm
What is Open Atrium? Open Atrium is open source collaboration software that enables organizations to securely connect their teams, projects, and knowledge. A powerful solution, Open Atrium’s framework allows your organization to easily integrate your existing software, while remaining flexible enough to change as your organization grows. With Open Atrium, you can better communicate, educate, and inform your organization by creating solutions such as an intranet, social collaboration platform, web portal, or learning management system. Open Atrium is an intranet in a box... + continue reading
Monday, June 27, 2016 - 2:37am
Open Source OpenPubilc is free software built on a Drupal Platform Designed especially for government and public policy organizations, open source only works if it’s built for the security, accessibility and flexibility requirements of the public sector. OpenPublic provides a content management system specially designed for open government goals -- without compromising accessibility, security or usability. OpenPublic is the most accessible and secure open source CMS for government available. Visits OpenPubic Community Site to find... + continue reading
Monday, June 27, 2016 - 2:34am
At this point, however, I find myself wanting to focus 100% of my attention on Drupal. For the smallest, for the largest and for all the sites between, I prefer Drupal. Often I feel there is a fight between Wordpress and Drupal in my head. Recently, though, Drupal knocked out Wordpress and now I consider myself to be Drupal at my core. Here's the play-by-play of the fight. (Note: I'm not going to go deep into each point.) Round 1: Suitability to task Drupal is heavier, but can respond to more unique scenarios. Drupal comes in with a flurry of punches! While I can build any... + continue reading
Web Design Halifax Nova Scotia
Monday, June 27, 2016 - 2:05am
At the Intersection of Tech, User Experience, Design & Digital Marketing A great business needs a great website. But there are still a lot of people out there who view their website more as an obligation than an opportunity. As more and more business moves to the web, having a website is no longer an option, and what you do online can have a huge impact on how your business performs. How a site can be your best business and marketing tool, but this takes more than great technology, more than a sophisticated user experience, and more than an email... + continue reading
Sunday, March 13, 2016 - 8:10pm
The Importance of Client Communication Communication is essential in all aspects of business, whether interaction is achieved through words, writing, or actions. Without effective communication there can be no mutual understanding between individuals, exchange of information, nor expression of true feelings thoughts or ideas. It is so often taken for granted that when we speak to others what we say is actually perceived in the manner in which we meant for it to be interpreted. Too often we speak without forethought or consideration and our message is... + continue reading