902 478-7790

Events / Calendar

The Calendar widget is a remarkable tool which allows you effortlessly share your events with your audience.


The Calendar widget is a remarkable tool which allows you effortlessly share your events with your audience. It has plenty of options for showing upcoming activities the most stately way. Personalize it to merge the design with your website’s aesthetics. Form multiple number of events, add tags, upload your custom pictures and videos, and keep your users notified about your schedule.

Elfsight Events Calendar module may help you effortlessly display your upcoming events and increase the engagement level on your website.


Here you can see all the features of Drupal Event Calendar. They are available right in the editor and they will help you create the widget most suitable for your case.

  • Use flexible content options to comprehend the tool for your type of activities.
  • Help users add your events to their commonly used apps.
  • Form different types of events, specify locations and add hosts.
  • Categorize all your events and confer them tags.
  • Choose between four layout options.