902 478-7790

Jean Monnet Network

The Jean Monnet Health Policy, Dalhousie University

March 2018
Project Date: 

March 2018

The Jean Monnet Network in Health Law and Policy

brings together health law specialists, social scientists, health services researchers, and policy-makers in order to build capacity in the study of comparative health policy.

Its mandate is to provide opportunities for experts across fields and jurisdictions to share best practices, to identify common policy challenges, and to strengthen institutional ties across regions.

Through its activities, the Network provides a clear focal point for the comparative study of health policy across the European Union and North America, for the diffusion of high-quality information on health policy, and for the training of new scholars and policy analysts in health policy.

The Jean Monnet Network in Health Law and Policy is funded by the European Union through its Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program in conjunction with Dalhousie University.