902 478-7790

Girl on Fire

Girl on Fire

Atlantic Canada

Girl on Fire
Project Date: 

May 2017

Empower Both Teen Girls and Women of all Ages

The NEW Girl on Fire Empowerment Training Program was recently launched to 50 beautiful participants.   Watch this short video to hear about their experience and why YOU should join us for our next training session.

Girl on Fire

The Girl on Fire Empowerment Program Is an exciting new program created by award winning author Jenny Kierstead, founder of Breathing Space Yoga Studios and Yoga in Schools.

The spark of this program was ignited when a local 17 year old girl took her life in 2013 after being victimized.

Jenny, along with many others throughout Canada, was devastated by this outcome of violence inflicted on yet another young woman. At the news of her death, Jenny went into deep reflection, asking how she could contribute by planting seeds of love and respect in the soil of her life's legacy. This program is the answer to that question. 

To all the young women who, in the depths of a darkened reality, have taken their own lives. May we, in honour of their struggle, seize the invitation to show up fully in our lives and shine radiantly as Girls on Fire.