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TYPE 3 - Dynamic Site With Unlimited Functions

Site type 1 | Site type 2 | Site type 3

Below are three examples of dynamic websites with added functions.

More secure with a high level on content


Enterprise Content Management (ECM)



ECM - enterprise content management

One of the primary differences between an Enterprise Website and what might be termed a ‘normal’ website is the CMS or content management system. There is a greater combination of tools and strategies involved when using Enterprise Content Management (ECM) because it is meant to handle the wide ranging needs of a large organization therefore it needs to be more robust.

Along with general design, brand focus, use of SEO and keyword rankings, there is also often a need for behind the scenes components to help with marketing, content, storage management, digital preservation, built-in editors, software integration and more.

Enterprise software or application development can also serve some of the needs that an enterprise website does, however they are typically geared towards internal business needs while a website is consumer facing.

One of the biggest advantages of an enterprise website, either consumer facing or employee facing, is the ability to take features and facilities much further. It can accomplish much more and manage more aspects of your business and should be tailored to both current and future needs.


What goes into Enterprise Website Development?

Enterprise websites can be very complex depending on the scope of the business.

A full-service design and development company is often needed to handle the variety of aspects that go into the design and implementation of this type of site. Experience is very important as there are often more moving parts and a level of understanding of business goals and objectives required to roll-out a successful product.

An enterprise website is a site created for an organization, business or group. The organization can be of many types and typically this type of development is done for businesses, government entities, schools, charities, and even large clubs and interest-based groups that are considered mid to large size.



Below are three examples of Dynamic Sites with Limited Functions.


CAFP - Canadian Association of Food Service Prodessionals - Visit Site



Breathing Space Yoga Studio - View Site


Run Nova Scotia - View Site