902 478-7790

TYPE 2 - Dynamic Site with Added Functions

Site type 1 | Site type 2 | Site type 3

Content is the heart of today's websites,


Managing that content with a content management system is one of the most import decisions you need to make. Your CMS is the foundation for the growth of your website. Evaluating the right CMS is also one of the most difficult processes because of the various opinions, options and functions available in today's marketplace. The key here is to clarify your needs first. What do you need your content management system to do?

  • Do you want your CMS to provide SEO-friendly URLs and individual page control for titles and metadata?
  • Will your CMS need to support different layout designs for different sections?
  • Will you be adding new features and functions to your website in the next few months?
  • What functions are you planning for? For example, will you be adding video, additional forms, a blogging feature or possibly a member area?

The point is, you want to know if the CMS system you choose is scalable. How is it scalable? Are there third-party applications already designed and ready to work with your CMS, or will your developer have to write something from scratch?

Next, look at who will be editing the content on your website. What is this person's comfort with technology? Some CMS systems are easier to use than others. A good development firm will understand this and take this into consideration when making a recommendation. Then, ask your developer or web firm what CMS systems they recommend or work with and why. Some developers use one CMS system, while others will work with two or three systems.

The most important thing to remember when deciding what tools to use on your website is that we all have expectations when it comes to how we see our websites functioning, and those expectations come with assumptions. That's why it's crucial to explain your expectations in great detail, using examples to illustrate your needs, and ask lots of questions.

Below are three examples of Dynamic Sites with Added Functions.


Athletics Nova ScotiaView Site



Dartmouth Yacht Club - View Site


Marcomm Systems Group Inc.View Site