902 478-7790

Key Performance Indicators

What makes a good KPI for Project Management?

Key performance indicators consist of the most important performance goals across all aspects of team involvement in a project. Effective KPIs should be:

  • Agreed upon by all parties before the project begins
  • Meaningful to the intended audience
  • Quantifiable measurements that can be shared and analyzed across organizational divisions at any time
  • Regularly measured
  • Directed toward the benefits the project seeks to deliver
  • A basis for critical decision-making throughout the project
  • Aligned with objectives
  • Realistic, cost-effective and tailored to the organization’s culture, constraints and time frame
  • Unified with organizational efforts
  • Reflective of an organization’s success factors
  • Specific to the organization and the particular project

Collectively, KPIs are a powerful management tool to bring about organization-wide success. Keeping track of accurate metrics from varying teams can identify where more direction is needed or where incentives, plans and other resources, such as training, should be allocated.